
COVID-19 Updates

Update from our Wiley, our publisher

Global distribution in the context of COVID-19 remains disrupted, however we have started distributing where we can, following government guidance and updates from our printers and distributors.

Most subscribers already have access to the journal online, and we’re working with our partners to ensure that subscribers who would normally only have access to print have a digital alternative.

It’s impossible to predict at this point how COVID-19 will further impact our ability to print and distribute journals. Whatever happens, our top priority is ensuring that our customers have access to the essential information that the Biometrics journal provides them.

We will keep you updated as the situation evolves.

Biometrics has a contingency plan in place to keep the journal's peer review smoothly running, even when key actors in the peer review process would be temporarily unavailable. 

COVID-19 papers are given the speediest yet high-quality review possible. 

New - Biometrics Archive

Archived volumes of Biometrics (1946-1998) are now available to current IBS members for a nominal fee. This benefit is geared toward members who do not have access through institutional subscriptions. Please click here for further information.

Free Access in the Developing World

Free online access to this journal is available within institutions in the developing world through the HINARI initiative with the World Health Organization (WHO), and the AGORA initiative with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).


Online production tracking now available through Author Services!

Visit the Author Services website for a wealth of information for all authors plus online production tracking for your article.  Authors of articles in the Biometrics can register to:

• track the production status of their article online

• choose to receive e-mail alerts on article status

• get free access to their article when it is published online

In addition, all authors visiting the site can access information and tips on:

• Article preparation

• Article submission

• Electronic artwork details

• And more features added over time!

Visit the Author Services website at

NIH Public Access Mandate

For those interested in the Wiley-Blackwell policy on the NIH Public Access Mandate,  please visit our policy statement. 

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