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Vol. 55, No. 2 - June 1999

New residuals for Cox regression and their application to outlier screening

Alessandra Nardi and Michael Schemper

Population HIV-1 Dynamics in Vivo: Applicable Models and Inferential Tools for Virological Data from AIDS Clinical Trials

Hulin Wu and A. Adam Ding

Vol. 55, No. 4 - December 1999

Confidence bands for cumulative incidence curves under the additive risk model

Yu Shen and S. C. Cheng

Bayesian inference for prevalence in longitudinal two-phase studies

Alaattin Erkanli, Refik Soyer and Elizabeth J. Costello

A hierarchical Bayesian model to predict the duration of immunity to Hib

Kari Auranen, Martin Eichner, Helena Kayhty, Aino K. Takala and Elja Arjas

Vol. 56, No. 1 - March 2000

A linear mixed-effects model for multivariate censored data

Wei Pan and Thomas A. Louis

Estimation of age-specific breeding probabilities from capture-recapture data

Carl J. Schwarz and A. Neil Arnason

Accounting for variability in the use of permutation testing to detect quantitative trait loci

Dan Nettleton and R. W. Doerge

Vol. 58, No. 3 - September 2002

Estimating the variance of disease prevalence estimates from population-based registries

Limin X. Clegg, Mitchell H. Gail and Eric J. Feuer

Accurate critical constants for the one-sided approximate likelihood ratio test of a normal mean vector when the covariance matrix is estimated

Ajit C. Tamhane and Brent R. Logan

Integrating mark-recapture-recovery and census data to estimate animal abundance and demographic parameters

P. Besbeas, S. N. Freeman, B. J. T. Morgan and E. A. Catchpole

Quantifying the change of melanoma incidence by Breslow thickness

Jing Qin, Marianne Berwick, R. Ashbolt and T. Dwyer

Vol. 59, No. 1 - March 2003

Bayesian multiple testing for two-sample multivariate endpoints

Mithat Gonen, Peter H. Westfall, and Wesley O. Johnson

Vol. 59, No. 2 - June 2003

Persistence and heterogeneity in habitat selection studies using radio telemetry

Fred L. Ramsey and Dale Usner

The use of score tests for inference on variance components

Geert Verbeke and Geert Molenberghs

A local influence approach applied to binary data from a psychiatric study

Ivy Jansen, Geert Molenberghs, Marc Aerts, Herbert Thijs, and Kristel Van Steen

Vol. 59, No. 3  September 2003

Generalized additive selection models for the analysis of studies with potentially non-ignorable missing outcome data

Daniel O. Scharfstein and Rafael A. Irizarry

Abundance estimation of diving animals by the double-platform line transect method

Hiroshi Okamura, Toshihide Kitakado, Kazuhiko Hiramatsu, and Mitsuyo Mori

Bayesian shrinkage estimation of the relative abundance of mRNA transcripts using SAGE

Jeffrey S. Morris, Keith A. Baggerly, and Kevin R. Coombes

Vol. 60, No. 3 - September 2004

Infections with varying contact rates: application to varicella

H. J. Whitaker and C. P. Farrington

Functional mapping of quantitative trait loci underlying growth trajectories using a transform-both-sides logistic model

Rongling Wu, Chang-Xing Ma, Xiang-Yang Lou and George Casella

Prentice's approach and the meta-analytic paradigm: a reflection on the role of statistics in the evaluation of surrogate endpoints

Ariel Alonso, Geert Molenberghs, Tomasz Burzykowski, Didier Renard, Helena Geys, Ziv Shkedy, Fabian Tibaldi, Jose Cortinas Abrahantes and Marc Buyse

Multiple-testing strategy for analyzing cDNA array data on gene expression

Robert R. Delongchamp, John F. Bowyer, James J. Chen and Ralph L. Kodell

Confidence interval estimation of the intraclass correlation coefficient for binary outcome data

Guangyong Zou and Allan Donner

Vol. 60, No. 4 - December 2004

Smooth random effects distribution in a linear mixed model

Wendimagegn Ghidey, Emmanuel Lesaffre and Paul Eilers

Validation of surrogate markers in multiple randomized clinical trials with repeated measurements: canonical correlation approach

Ariel Alonso, Helena Geys, Geert Molenberghs and Michael G. Kenward

Comparability of segmented line regression models

Hyune-Ju Kim. Michael P. Fay, Binbing Yu, Michael J. Barrett and Eric J. Feuer

Marginalized binary mixed-effects models with covariate-dependent random effects and likelihood inference

Zengri Wang and Thomas A. Louis

Evaluation of community intervention trials via generalized linear mixed models

Yutaka Yasui, Ziding Feng, Paula Diehr, Dale McLerran, Shirley A. A. Beresford and Charles E. McCulloch

A longitudinal measurement error model with a semi-continuous covariate

Liang Li, Jun Shao and Mari Palta

Vol. 61, No. 2 - June 2005

Analyzing multi-environment variety trials using randomized-derived mixed models

T Calinski, S. Czajka, Z. Kaczmarek, P. Krajewski and W. Pilarczyk

Exploratory Bayesian model selection for serial genetics data

Jing Zhao, Andrea S. Foulkes and Edward I. George

Estimating the species accumulation curve using mixtures

Chang Xuan Mao, Robert K. Colwell and Jing Chang

Vol. 61, No. 3 - September 2005

Models for estimating Bayes factors with applications to phylogeny and tests of monophyly

Marc A. Suchard, Robert E. Weiss and Janet S. Sinsheimer

Capture-recapture studies using radio telemetry with premature radio-tag failure

Laura Cowen and Carl J. Schwarz

Vol. 61, No. 4 - December 2005

MLE and Bayesian inference of age-dependent sensitivity and transition probability in periodic screening

Dongfeng Wu, Gary L. Rosner and Lyle Broemeling

Vol. 63, No. 1 - March 2007

Logistic regression with exposure biomarkers and flexible measurement error

E. A. Sugar, C. Y. Wang and R. L. Prentice

A class of multiplicity-adjusted tests for spatial clustering based on case-control point data

Toshiro Tango

Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective

Ariel Alonso and Geert Molenberghs

Joint modeling of progression of HIV resistance mutations measured with uncertainty and failure time data

Chengcheng Hu and Victor De Gruttola

Inferring the location of tumor suppressor genes by modeling frequency of allelic loss

Andrew Sterrett and Fred A. Wright

A modified Bayes information criterion with applications to the analysis of comparative genomic hybridization data

Nancy R. Zhang and David O. Siegmund

Assessing the implications of publication bias for two popular estimates of between-study variance in meta-analysis

Dan Jackson

Nonparametric estimation of the concordance correlation coefficient under univariate censoring

Ying Guo and Amita K. Manatunga

An estimating function approach to inference for inhomogeneous Neyman-Scott processes

Rasmus Plenge Waagepetersen

Enhanced quantile normalization of microarray data to reduce loss of information in the gene expression profile

Jianhua Hu and Xuming He

Modeling of hormone secretion-generating mechanisms with splines: a pseudo-likelihood approach

Anna Liu and Yuedong Wang

Low-rank smoothing splines on complicated domains

Haonan Wang and M. Giovanna Ranalli

Assessing differential gene expression with small sample sizes in oligonucleotide arrays using a mean-variance model

Jianhua Hu and Fred A. Wright

Nonparametric tests for two group comparisons of dependent observations obtained at varying time points

Susanne May and Victor DeGruttola

On robustness and model flexibility in survival analysis: transformed hazards models and average effects

Paul Gustafson

Vol. 63, No. 2 - June 2007

Marginalized models for moderate to long series of longitudinal binary response data

Jonathan S. Schildcrout and Patrick J. Heagerty

Protein bioinformatics and mixtures of Bivariate von Mises distributions for angular data

Kanti V. Mardia, Charles C. Taylor and Ganesh K. Subramaniam

Demystifying optimal dynamic treatment regimes

Erica E. M. Moodie, Thomas S. Richardson and David A. Stephens

MICE: multiple-peak identification characterization and estimation

Nicoleta Serban

A semiparametric odds ratio model for measuring association

Hua Yun Chen

A class of latent Markov models for capture-recapture data allowing for time heterogeneity and behavioral effects

Francesco Bartolucci and Fulvia Pennoni

Exploring the information in p-values for the analysis and planning of multiple-test experiments

David Ruppert, Dan Nettleton and J. T. Gene Hwang

Confidence intervals and p-values for meta analysis with publication bias

Masayuki Henmi, John B. Copas and Shinto Eguchi

Cox regression methods for two-stage randomization designs

Yuliya Lokhnygina and Jeffrey D. Helterbrand

Nonparametric estimation of the joint distribution of a survival time subject to interval censoring and a continuous mark variable

Michael G. Hudgens, Marloes H. Maathuis and Peter B. Gilbert

Testing goodness-of-fit of a uniform truncation model

Micha Mandel and Rebecca A. Betensky

An empirical Bayes method for estimating epistatic effects of quantitative trait loci

Shizhong Xu

Spatial cluster detection for censored outcome data

Andrea Cook, Diane Gold and Yi Li

ROC graphs for assessing the ability of a diagnostic marker to detect three disease classes with an umbrella ordering

Christos T. Nakas and Todd A. Alonzo

Boosted regression trees with errors-in-variables

Joe Sexton and Petter Laake

Hierarchical spatio-temporal matrix models for characterizing invasions

Mevin B. Hooten, Christopher K. Wikle, Robert M. Dorazio and J. Andrew Royle

Vol. 63, No. 3 - September 2007

Applications of additive semivarying coefficient models: monthly suicide data from Hong Kong

Richard M. Huggins, Peter Hall, Paul S. F. Yip and Quang M. Bui

A modified pseudo-likelihood approach for analysis of longitudinal data

You-Gan Wang and Yuning Zhao

A segmentation/clustering model for the analysis of array CGH data

F. Picard, S. Robin, E. Lebarbier and J. J. Daudin

Marginal analysis of correlated failure time data with informative cluster sizes

Xiuyu J. Cong, Guosheng Yin and Yu Shen

Combining multiple markers for classification using ROC

Shuangge Ma and Jian Huang

Bayesian inference for the lead time in periodic cancer screening

Dongfeng Wu, Gary L. Rosner and Lyle D. Broemeling

Modeling and analysis of multi-library multi-group SAGE data with application to a study of mouse cerebellum

Zailong Wang, Shili Lin, Magdalena Popesco and Andrej Rotter

Sequential monitoring of randomization tests: stratified randomization

Yanqiong Zhang, William F. Rosenberger and Robert T. Smythe

Semiparametric Bayesian analysis of case-control data under conditional gene-environment independence

Bhramar Mukherjee, Li Zhang, Malay Ghosh and Samiran Sinha

A mixed mover-stayer model for spatio-temporal two-state processes

F. Nathoo and C. B. Dean

Analyzing spatially distributed binary data using independent-block estimating equations

S. D. Oman, V. L. Landsman, Yohay Carmel and Ronen Kadmon

Bayesian methods for predicting interacting protein pairs using domain information

Inyoung Kim, Yin Liu and Hongyu Zhao

Analysis of failure time data with multi-level clustering with application to the child vitamin A intervention trial in Nepal

Joanna H. Shih and Shou-En Lu

Statistical reconstruction of transcription factor activity using Michaelis-Menten kinetics

R. Khanin, V. Vinciotti, V. Mersinias, C. P. Smith and E. Wit

Gaussian process functional regression modelling for batch data

J. Q. Shi and B. Wang

Generalized hierarchical Markov models for the discovery of length-constrained sequence features from genome tiling arrays

Mayetri Gupta

Multivariate Bernoulli mixture models with application to postmortem tissue studies in schizophrenia

Ori Rosen, Allan R. Sampson and Zhuoxin Sun

Causal mediation analyses with rank preserving models

Thomas R. Ten Have, Marshall M. Joffe, Kevin Lynch, Gregory K. Brown, Stephen Maisto and Aaron T. Beck

Sample size determination for hierarchical longitudinal designs with differential attrition rates

Anindya Roy, Dulal K. Bhaumik, Subhash Aryal and Robert D. Gibbons

Sharp simultaneous confidence intervals for the means of selected populations with application to microarray data analysis

Jing Qiu and J. T. Gene Hwang

Fixed and random effects selection in linear and logistic models

Satkartar K. Kinney and David B. Dunson

Estimating population size for a continuous time frailty model with covariates in a capture-recapture study

Ying Xu, Liping Liu, Na You, Hungyu Pan and Paul Yip

Combining cross-sectional and prospective data methods to improve transition parameter estimation for characterizing the accumulation of HIV-1 drug resistance mutations

Brian Healy, Victor DeGruttola and Marcello Pagano

Vol. 63, No. 4 - December 2007

Applications and extensions of Chao's moment estimator for the size of a closed population

Louis-Paul Rivest and Sophie Baillargeon

Approximations for expected generation number

D. J. Cole, M. S. Ridout, B. J. T. Morgan, L. J. Byrne and M. F. Tuite

Type I and type II error under random-effects misspecification in generalized linear mixed models

Saskia Litiere, Ariel Alonso and Geert Molenberghs

Confidence intervals for uncommon but dramatic responses to treatment

Paul R. Rosenbaum

Determining the number of clusters using the weighted gap statistic

Mingjin Yan and Keying Ye

Conditional likelihood methods for haplotype-based association analysis using matched case-control data

Jinbo Chen and Carmen Rodriguez

Line transect methods for plant surveys

S. T. Buckland, D. L. Borchers, A. Johnston, P. A. Henrys and T. A. Marques

Semiparametric regression of multi-dimensional genetic pathway data: least square kernel machines and linear mixed models

Dawei Liu, Xihong Lin and Debashis Ghosh

A class of Markov models for longitudinal ordinal data

Keunbaik Lee and Michael Daniels

A copula approach for detecting prognostic genes associated with survival outcome in microarray studies

Kouros Owzar, Sin-Ho Jung and Pranab Kumar Sen

Tail posterior probability for inference in pairwise and multiclass gene expression data

N. Bochkina and S. Richardson

Regression analysis of panel count data with dependent observation times

Jianguo Sun, Xingwei Tong and Xin He

Shared uncertainty in measurement error problems with application to Nevada test site fallout data

Yehua Li, Annamaria Guolo, F. Owen Hoffman and Raymond J. Carroll

A proportional hazards cure model for the analysis of time to event with frequently unidentifiable causes

Suzanne E. Dahlberg and Molin Wang

Maximum likelihood estimation in dynamical models of HIV

J. Guedj, R. Thiebaut and D. Commenges

Ordered multiple comparisons with the best and their applications to dose-response studies

K. Strassburger, F. Bretz and H. Finner

Evaluating the predictiveness of a continuous marker

Ying Huang, Margaret Sullivan Pepe and Ziding Feng

A Bayesian approach to the multistate Jolly-Seber capture-recapture model

Jerome A. Dupuis and Carl James Schwarz

Comparison of group testing algorithms for case identification in the presence of test error

Hae-Young Kim, Michael G. Hudgens, Jonathan Dreyfuss, Daniel J. Westreich and Christopher D. Pilcher

Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of positive false discovery rates

Yongqiang Tang, Subhashis Ghosal and Anindya Roy

A conservative test for multiple comparison based on highly correlated test statistics

Yoshiyuki Ninomiya and Hironori Fujisawa

Joint models for a primary endpoint and multiple longitudinal covariate processes

Erning Li, Naisyin Wang and Nae-Yuh Wang

Just-identified versus over-identified two-level hierarchical linear models with missing data

Yongyun Shin and Stephen W. Raudenbush

Time-varying coefficient models for the analysis of air pollution and health outcome data

Duncan Lee and Gavin Shaddick

Testing a partial ordering of population means with application to inference about growth habits of cowpea genotypes

Daniel R. Jeske, Guangyao Wang and Milt McGiffen

Efron-type measures of prediction error for survival analysis

Thomas A. Gerds and Martin Schumacher

Power calculation for case-cohort studies with non-rare events

Jianwen Cai and Donglin Zeng

Vol. 64, No. 1 - March 2008

Spatial multi-state transitional models for longitudinal event data

F. S. Nathoo and C. B. Dean

Biometrical modeling of twin and family data using standard mixed model software

S. Rabe-Hesketh, A. Skrondal and H. K. Gjessing

Matching in studies of classification accuracy: Implications for analysis efficiency and assessment of incremental value

Holly Janes and Margaret S. Pepe

Estimating lead time and overdiagnosis associated with PSA screening from prostate cancer incidence trends

Donatello Telesca, Ruth Etzioni and Roman Gulati

Nonparametric inference on median residual life function

Jong-Hyeon Jeong, Sin-Ho Jung and Joseph P. Costantino

Two-stage designs for dose-finding trials with a biologic endpoint using stepwise tests

Mei-Yin Polley and Ying-Kuen Cheung

Analysis of matched case-control data in presence of nonignorable missing exposure

Samiran Sinha and Tapabrata Maiti

A Bayesian model for sparse functional data

Wesley K. Thompson and Ori Rosen

Proportional hazards regression for cancer studies

Debashis Ghosh

Semiparametric inference for surrogate endpoints with bivariate censored data

Debashis Ghosh

Design and analysis of two-phase experiments for gene expression microarrays I

Richard G. Jarrett and Kathy Ruggiero

A latent-class mixture model for incomplete longitudinal Gaussian data

Caroline Beunckens, Geert Molenberghs, Geert Verbeke and Craig Mallinckrodt

Expected estimating equations for missing data measurement error and misclassification with application to longitudinal nonignorable missing data

C. Y. Wang, Yijian Huang, Ed Chao and Marjorie K. Jeffcoat

The Mizon-Richard encompassing test for the Cox and Aalen additive hazards models

Torben Martinussen, Odd O. Aalen and Thomas H. Scheike

Weighted rank regression for clustered data analysis

You-Gan Wang and Yudong Zhao

Simultaneous regression shrinkage variable selection and supervised clustering of predictors with OSCAR

Howard D. Bondell and Brian J. Reich

Statistical method for detecting structural change in the growth process

Yoshiyuki Ninomiya and Atsushi Yoshimoto

Genome scanning tests for comparing amino acid sequences between groups

Peter B. Gilbert, Chunyuan Wu and David V. Jobes

Bayesian hierarchical spatially correlated functional data analysis with application to colon carcinogenesis

Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani, Bani K. Mallick, Mee Young Hong, Joanne R. Lupton, Nancy D. Turner and Raymond J. Carroll

Competing risks analysis of correlated failure time data

Bingshu E. Chen, Joan L. Kramer, Mark H. Greene and Philip S. Rosenberg

Regression analysis of a disease onset distribution using diagnosis data

Jessica G. Young, Nicholas P. Jewell and Steven J. Samuels

Estimating survival and association in a semi-competing risks model

Lajmi Lakhal, Louis-Paul Rivest and Belkacem Abdous

Vol. 64, No. 2 - June 2008

Modeling unobserved sources of heterogeneity in animal abundance using a dirichlet process prior

Robert M. Dorazio, Bhramar Mukherjee, Li Zhang, Malay Ghosh, Howard L. Jelks and Frank Jordan

A semiparametric response surface model for assessing drug interaction

Maiying Kong and J. Jack Lee

Resampling-based multiple testing methods with covariate adjustment: application to investigation of antiretroviral drug susceptibility

Yang Yang and Victor DeGruttola

Nonparametric Bayes testing of changes in a response distribution with an ordinal predictor

Michael L. Pennell and David B. Dunson

Determining the effective sample size of a parametric prior

Satoshi Morita, Peter F. Thall and Peter Mueller

Semiparametric approaches for joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data with time varying coefficients

Xiao Song and C. Y. Wang

Aberrant crypt foci and semiparametric modeling of correlated binary data

Tatiyana V. Apanasovich, David Ruppert, Joanne R. Lupton, Natasa Popovic, Nancy D. Turner, Robert S. Chapkin and Raymond J. Carroll

A two-part joint model for the analysis of survival and longitudinal binary data with excess zeros

Dimitris Rizopoulos, Geert Verbeke, Emmanuel Lesaffre and Yves Vanrenterghem

Bayesian analysis of mass spectrometry proteomic data using wavelet based functional mixed models

Jeffrey S. Morris, Philip J. Brown, Richard C. Herrick, Keith A. Baggerly and Kevin R. Coombes

Modeling longitudinal data with nonparametric multiplicative random effects jointly with survival data

Jimin Ding and Jane-Ling Wang

Judgement post-stratification for designed experiments

Juan Du and Steven N. MacEachern

A flexible and powerful Bayesian hierarchical model for ChIP-chip experiments

Raphael Gottardo, Wei Li, Shirley X. Liu and Evan W. Johnson

Population size estimation in a two-list surveillance system with a discrete covariate

Na You and Chang Xuan Mao

A two-stage stepwise estimation procedure

John T. Chen

An enhanced quantile approach for assessing differential gene expressions

Huixia Wang and Xuming He

Combining multiple biomarker models in logistic regression

Zheng Yuan and Debashis Ghosh

Minimum Hellinger distance estimation for K-component Poisson mixture with random effects

Liming Xiang, Kelvin K. W. Yau, Yer Van Hui and Andy H. Lee

Variable selection for model-based high-dimensional clustering and its application to microarray data

Sijian Wang and Ji Zhu

An application of a mixed-effects location scale model for analysis of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data

Donald Hedeker, Robin J. Mermelstein and Hakan Demirtas

Testing and estimating gene-environment interactions in family-based association studies

Stijn Vansteelandt, Dawn L. DeMeo, Jessica Su, Jordan Smoller, Amy J. Murphy, Matt McQueen, Kady Schneiter, Juan C. Celedon, Scott T. Weiss, Edwin K. Silverman and Christoph Lange

Design and analysis of arm-in-cage experiments: inference for three-state progressive disease models with common periodic observation times

B. A. Griffin and S. W. Lagakos

"Smooth" semiparametric regression analysis for arbitrarily censored time-to-event data

Min Zhang and Marie Davidian

Simple defensible sample sizes based on cost efficiency

Peter Bacchetti, Charles E. McCulloch and Mark R. Segal

Modeling individual effects in the Cormack-Jolly-Seber model: a state-space formulation

J. Andrew Royle

Vol. 64, No. 3 - September 2008

Simple sequential boundaries for treatment selection in multi-armed randomized clinical trials with a control

Ying Kuen Cheung

Haplotype-based regression analysis and inference of case-control studies with unphased genotypes and measurement errors in environmental exposures

Iryna Lobach, Raymond J. Carroll, Christine Spinka, Mitchell H. Gail and Nilanjan Chatterjee

Optimal observation times in experimental epidemic processes

A. R. Cook, G. J. Gibson and C. A. Gilligan

Modeling non-homogeneous Markov processes via time transformation

R. A. Hubbard, L. Y. T. Inoue and J. R. Fann

Multivariate Markov process models for the transmission of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a hospital ward

C. C. Drovandi and A. N. Pettitt

Inference for Kappas for longitudinal study data: applications to sexual health research

Y. Ma, W. Tang, C. Feng and X. M. Tu

A new exact and more powerful unconditional test of no treatment effect from binary matched pairs

Chris J. Lloyd

Efficient statistical inference procedures for partially nonlinear models and their applications

Runze Li and Lei Nie

On the Bayesian estimation of a closed population size in the presence of heterogeneity and model uncertainty

R. King and S. P. Brooks

Modelling time series of animal behaviour by means of a latent-state model with feedback

Walter Zucchini, David Raubenheimer and Iain L. MacDonald

Clustered mixed nonhomogeneous Poisson process spline models for the analysis of recurrent event panel data

J. D. Nielsen and C. B. Dean

A general framework for the analysis of animal resource selection from telemetry data

Devin S. Johnson, Dana L. Thomas, Jay M. Ver Hoef and Aaron Christ

Conditional generalized estimating equations for the analysis of clustered and longitudinal data

Sylvie Goetgeluk and Stijn Vansteelandt

Bayesian nonparametric meta-analysis using Polya tree mixture models

Adam J. Branscum and Timothy E. Hanson

Estimating cumulative treatment effects in the presence of non-proportional hazards

Guanghui Wei and Douglas E. Schaubel

Robust covariate-adjusted log-rank statistics and corresponding sample size formula for recurrent events data

Rui Song, Michael R. Kosorok and Jianwen Cai

Bounds on direct effects in the presence of confounded intermediate variables

Zhihong Cai, Manabu Kuroki, Judea Pearl and Jin Tian

Tests and diagnostic plots for detecting lack-of-fit for circular-linear regression models

E. Deschepper, O. Thas and J. P. Ottoy

Bayesian optimal design for phase II screening trials

Meichun Ding, Gary L. Rosner and Peter Mueller

A joint model for longitudinal measurements and survival data in the presence of multiple failure types

Robert M. Elashoff, Gang Li and Ning Li

Exploiting gene-environment independence for analysis of case-control studies: An empirical-Bayes type shrinkage estimator to trade off between bias and efficiency

Bhramar Mukherjee and Nilanjan Chatterjee

Analysis of longitudinal data in the presence of informative observational times and a dependent terminal event with application to medical cost data

Lei Liu, Xuelin Huang and John O'Quigley

Variable selection in penalized model-based clustering via regularization on grouped parameters

Benhuai Xie, Wei Pan and Xiaotong Shen

Stepwise confidence intervals for monotone dose-response studies

J. Peng, C. I. C. Lee, K. A. Davis and Weizhen Wang

Fitting conditional survival models to meta-analytic data by using a transformation towards mixed-effects models

Goele Massonnet, Paul Janssen and Tomasz Burzykowski

Comparing treatments in the presence of crossing survival curves: an application to bone marrow transplantation

Brent R. Logan, John P. Klein and Mei-Jie Zhang

Improving efficiency of inferences in randomized clinical trials using auxiliary covariates

Min Zhang, Anastasios A. Tsiatis and Marie Davidian

A KPSS test for stationarity for spatial point processes

Yongtao Guan

A note on sliced inverse regression with regularizations

Caroline Bernard-Michel, Laurent Gardes and Stephane Girard

Rejoinder to "A note on sliced inverse regression with regularizations"

Lexin Li and Xiangrong Yin

Vol. 64, No. 4 - December 2008

A multistate model for bivariate interval censored failure time data

Richard J. Cook, Leilei Zeng and Ker-Ai Lee

Detection of significant disease risks using a spatial conditional autoregressive model

Georgia Escaramis, Josep L. Carrasco and Carlos Ascaso

A statistical framework for quantile equivalence clinical trials with application to pharmacokinetic studies which bridge from HIV-infected adults to children

Lixia Pei and Michael D. Hughes

Screening for partial conjunction hypotheses

Yoav Benjamini and Ruth Heller

Nonparametric tests for continuous covariate effects with multistate survival data

L. Peng and J. P. Fine

Regression survival analysis with an assumed copula for dependent censoring: a sensitivity analysis approach

Xuelin Huang and Nan Zhang

Bayesian analysis of wildlife age-at-harvest data

Paul B. Conn, Duane R. Diefenbach, Jeffrey L. Laake, Mark A. Ternent and Gary C. White

Extending the modified Bayesian information criterion (mBIC) to dense markers and multiple interval mapping

M. Bogdan, F. Frommlet, P. Biecek, R. Cheng, J. K. Ghosh and R. W. Doerge

Analysing complex capture-recapture data in the presence of individual and temporal covariates and model uncertainty

R. King, S. P. Brooks and T. Coulson

A new non-parametric approach for baseline covariate adjustment for two-group comparative studies

A. Schacht, Kris Bogaerts, Erich Bluhmki and Emmanuel Lesaffre

Incorporating marginal covariate information in a nonparametric regression model for a sample of R x C tables

Joan G. Staniswalis

Weighted likelihood method for grouped survival data in case-cohort studies with application to HIV vaccine trials

Zhiguo Li, Peter Gilbert and Bin Nan

A flexible approach to measurement error correction in case-control studies

A. Guolo

Nonparametric and semiparametric group sequential methods for comparing accuracy of diagnostic tests

Liansheng Tang, Scott S. Emerson and Xiao-Hua Zhou

Inference for constrained estimation of tumor size distributions

Debashis Ghosh, Moulinath Banerjee and Pinaki Biswas

Comparing trends in cancer rates across overlapping regions

Yi Li and Ram C. Tiwari

Patient-specific dose-finding based on bivariate outcomes and covariates

Peter F. Thall, Hoang Q. Nguyen and Elihu H. Estey

A two-stage probabilistic approach to multiple-community similarity indices

Anne Chao, Lou Jost, S. C. Chiang and Y.-H. Jiang

Testing and estimation of time-varying cause-specific hazard ratios with covariate adjustment

Yanqing Sun, Seunggeun Hyun and Peter Gilbert

Evaluating candidate principal surrogate endpoints

Peter B. Gilbert and Michael G. Hudgens

Vol. 65, No. 1 - March 2009

Discriminant analysis for longitudinal data with multiple continuous responses and possibly missing data

Guillermo Marshall, Rolando De la Cruz-Mesia, Fernando A. Quintana and Ana E. Baron

Adaptive weighted learning for unbalanced multicategory classification

Xingye Qiao and Yufeng Liu

Estimating the encounter rate variance in distance sampling

Rachel M. Fewster, Stephen T. Buckland, Kenneth P. Burnham, David L. Borchers, Peter E. Jupp, Jeffrey L. Laake and Len Thomas

Particle sizes from sectional data

Zbynek Pawlas, Jens R. Nyengaard and Eva B. Vedel Jensen

Estimation and inference for the causal effect of receiving treatment on a multinomial outcome

Jing Cheng

A semi-parametric shared parameter model to handle non-monotone non-ignorable missingness

Roula Tsonaka, Geert Verbeke and Emmanuel Lesaffre

Residual-based diagnostics for structural equation models

B. N. Sanchez, E. A. Houseman and L. M. Ryan

Bayesian case influence diagnostics for survival models

Hyunsoon Cho, Joseph G. Ibrahim, Debajyoti Sinha and Hongtu Zhu

Analysis of capture-recapture models with individual covariates using data augmentation

J. Andrew Royle

Bayesian distributed lag models: estimating effects of particulate matter air pollution on daily mortality

L. J. Welty, R. D. Peng, S. L. Zeger and F. Dominici

Estimation for the optimal combination of markers without modeling the censoring distribution

Chin-Tsang Chiang and Shr-Yan Huang

Semiparametric estimation exploiting covariate independence in two-phase randomized trials

James Y. Dai, Michael LeBlanc and Charles Kooperberg

Estimating abundance using mark-resight when sampling is with replacement or the number of marked individuals is unknown

Brett T. McClintock, Gary C. White, Michael F. Antolin and Daniel W. Tripp

Estimation of rates of births deaths and immigration from mark-recapture data

R. B. O'Hara, S. Lampila and M. Orell

Area under the free-response ROC curve (FROC) and a related summary index

Andriy I. Bandos, Howard E. Rockette, Tao Song and David Gur

Robustified maximum likelihood estimation in generalized partial linear mixed model for longitudinal data

Guo You Qin and Zhong Yi Zhu

Using empirical likelihood to combine data: application to food risk assessment

Amelie Crepet, Hugo Harari-Kermadec and Jessica Tressou

Non-parametric testing for DNA copy number induced differential mRNA gene expression

Wessel N. van Wieringen and Mark A. van de Wiel

Conditioning in 2x2 tables

Michael A. Proschan and Martha Nason

Measuring agreement of multivariate discrete survival times using a modified weighted kappa coefficient

Ying Guo and Amita K. Manatunga

Nonparametric estimation in a Markov "illness-death" process from interval censored observations with missing intermediate transition status

Halina Frydman and Michael Szarek

On gene ranking using replicated microarray time course data

Yu Chuan Tai and Terence P. Speed

Joint regression analysis of correlated data using Gaussian copulas

Peter X.-K. Song, Mingyao Li and Ying Yuan

Differential equation modeling of HIV viral fitness experiments: model identification model selection and multi-model inference

Hongyu Miao, Carrie Dykes, Lisa M. Demeter and Hulin Wu

Bayesian nonparametric estimation of continuous monotone functions with applications to dose-response analysis

Bjorn Bornkamp and Katja Ickstadt

Simultaneous factor selection and collapsing levels in ANOVA

Howard D. Bondell and Brian J. Reich

Power and sample size estimation for the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test with application to comparisons of C statistics from alternative prediction models

B. Rosner and R. J. Glynn

Nonparametric functional mapping of quantitative trait loci

Jie Yang, Rongling Wu and George Casella

Vol. 65, No. 2 - June 2009

Clustering in the presence of scatter

Ranjan Maitra and Ivan Ramler

A comparison of methods for estimating the causal effect of a treatment in randomized clinical trials subject to noncompliance

Roderick Little, Qi Long and Xihong Lin

Testing marginal homogeneity against stochastic order in multivariate ordinal data

B. Klingenberg, A. Solari, L. Salmaso and F. Pesarin

Meta-analysis of studies with missing data

Ying Yuan and Roderick J. A. Little

Cluster detection based on spatial associations and iterated residuals in generalized linear mixed models

Tonglin Zhang and Ge Lin

Inference for clustered inhomogeneous spatial point processes

P. A. Henrys and P. E. Brown

Partly functional temporal process regression with semiparametric profile estimating functions

Jun Yan and Jian Huang

Nonparametric association analysis of exchangeable clustered competing risks data

Yu Cheng, Jason P. Fine and Michael R. Kosorok

Monte Carlo inference for state-space models of wild animal populations

Kenneth B. Newman, Carmen Fernandez, Stephen T. Buckland and Len Thomas

Regularized estimation for the accelerated failure time model

T. Cai, J. Huang and L. Tian

Estimating a multivariate familial correlation using joint models for canonical correlations: Application to memory score analysis from familial Hispanic Alzheimer's disease study

Hye-Seung Lee, Myunghee Cho Paik and Joseph H. Lee

Marginal hazards regression for retrospective studies within cohort with possibly correlated failure time data

Sangwook Kang and Jianwen Cai

Statistical methods for analysis of radiation effects with tumor and dose location-specific information with application to the WECARE study of asynchronous contralateral breast cancer

Bryan Langholz, Duncan C. Thomas, Marilyn Stovall, Susan A. Smith, John D. Boice, Jr., Roy E. Shore, Leslie Bernstein, Charles F. Lynch, Xinbo Zhang and Jonine Bernstein

Functional regression analysis of fluorescence curves

Christian Ritz and Jens C. Streibig

Analysis of twin data using SAS

Rui Feng, Gongfu Zhou, Meizhuo Zhang and Heping Zhang

Weighted Wilcoxon-type smoothly clipped absolute deviation method

Lan Wang and Runze Li

Mixture generalized linear models for multiple interval mapping of quantitative trait loci in experimental crosses

Zehua Chen and Jianbin Liu

Exact confidence bounds following adaptive group sequential tests

Werner Brannath, Cyrus R. Mehta and Martin Posch

Mixed-effect hybrid models for longitudinal data with nonignorable dropout

Ying Yuan and Roderick J. A. Little

Diagnosis of random-effect model misspecification in generalized linear mixed models for binary response

Xianzheng Huang

Joint modeling and analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times

Yu Liang, Wenbin Lu and Zhiliang Ying

Median regression models for longitudinal data with drop-out

Grace Y. Yi and Wenqing He

Testing random effects in the linear mixed model using approximate Bayes factors

Benjamin R. Saville and Amy H. Herring

Variable selection and model choice in geoadditive regression models

Thomas Kneib, Torsten Hothorn and Gerhard Tutz

Nested Markov compliance class model in the presence of time-varying noncompliance

Julia Y. Lin, Thomas R. Ten Have and Michael R. Elliott

Calculating sample size for studies with expected all-or-none nonadherence and selection bias

Michelle D. Shardell and Samer S. El-Kamary

Hierarchical spatial modeling of additive and dominance genetic variance for large spatial trial datasets

Andrew O. Finley, Sudipto Banerjee, Patrik Waldmann and Tore Ericsson

Presence-only data and the EM algorithm

G. Ward, T. Hastie, S. Barry, J. Elith and J. R. Leathwick

A Bayesian approach to modeling associations between pulsatile hormones

Nichole E. Carlson, Timothy D. Johnson and Morton B. Brown

Vol. 65, No. 3 - September 2009

Exploring dependence with data on spatial lattices

Mark S. Kaiser and Petruta C. Caragea

Identifiability and estimation of causal effects in randomized trials with noncompliance and completely non-ignorable missing-data

Hua Chen, Zhi Geng and Xiao-Hua Zhou

Adjusted exponentially tilted likelihood with applications to brain morphology

Hongtu Zhu, Haibo Zhou, Jiahua Chen, Yimei Li, Martin Styner and Jeffrey Lieberman

Identifying subjects who benefit from additional information for better prediction of the outcome variables

L. Tian, T. Cai and L. J. Wei

Semiparametric transformation models with random effects for joint analysis of recurrent and terminal events

Donglin Zeng and D. Y. Lin

On latent-variable model misspecification in structural measurement error models for binary response

Xianzheng Huang and Joshua M. Tebbs

A multi-level model for continuous time population estimation

Jason M. Sutherland, Pete Castelluccio and Carl James Schwarz

Models for bounded systems with continuous dynamics

Amanda R. Cangelosi and Mevin B. Hooten

Chop-lump tests for vaccine trials

Dean Follmann, Michael Fay and Michael Proschan

Extensions of the penalized spline of propensity prediction method of imputation

Guangyu Zhang and Roderick Little

Optimal Bayesian design for patient selection in a clinical study

Manuela Buzoianu and Joseph B. Kadane

Flexible estimation of differences in treatment-specific recurrent event means in the presence of a terminating event

Qing Pan and Douglas E. Schaubel

Three-dimensional array-based group testing algorithms

Hae-Young Kim and Michael G. Hudgens

Differential expression and network inferences through functional data modeling

Donatello Telesca, Lurdes Y. T. Inoue, Mauricio Neira, Ruth Etzioni, Martin Gleave and Colleen Nelson

Variable selection for clustering with Gaussian mixture models

Cathy Maugis, Gilles Celeux and Marie-Laure Martin-Magniette

Improved detection of differentially expressed genes through incorporation of gene locations

Guanghua Xiao, Cavan Reilly and Arkady B. Khodursky

Comparison of hierarchical Bayesian models for over-dispersed count data using DIC and Bayes factors

Russell B. Millar

Bayesian hierarchical functional data analysis via contaminated informative priors

Bruno Scarpa and David B. Dunson

Combining information from cancer registry and medical records data to improve analyses of adjuvant cancer therapies

Yulei He and Alan M. Zaslavsky

Bayesian nonparametric non-proportional hazards survival modelling

Maria De Iorio, Wesley O. Johnson, Peter Mueller and Gary L. Rosner

Bayesian inference for smoking cessation with a latent cure state

Sheng Luo, Ciprian M. Crainiceanu, Thomas A. Louis and Nilanjan Chatterjee

Incorporating genotype uncertainty into mark-recapture-type models for estimating abundance using DNA samples

Janine A. Wright, Richard J. Barker, Matthew R. Schofield, Alain C. Frantz, Andrea E. Bryom and Dianne M. Gleeson

A semiparametric joint model for longitudinal and survival data with application to hemodialysis study

Liang Li, Bo Hu and Tom Greene

Applications of extensions of bivariate rank sum statistics to the crossover design to compare two treatments through four sequence groups

Atsushi Kawaguchi, Gary G. Koch and Ratna Ramaswamy

Latent-model robustness in joint models for a primary endpoint and a longitudinal process

Xianzheng Huang, Leonard A. Stefanski and Marie Davidian

Forcing function diagnostics for nonlinear dynamics

Giles Hooker

Flexible designs for genomewide association studies

Andre Scherag, Johannes Hebebrand, Helmut Schafer and Hans-Helge Muller

Adaptive randomization for multi-arm comparative clinical trials based on joint efficacy/toxicity outcomes

Yuan Ji and B. Nebiyou Bekele

Gene-trait similarity regression for multimarker-based association analysis

Jung-Ying Tzeng, Daowen Zhang, Shang-Mao Chang, Duncan C. Thomas and Marie Davidian

Using regression models to analyze randomized trials: asymptotically valid hypothesis tests despite incorrectly specified models

Michael Rosenblum and Mark J. van der Laan

Vol. 65, No. 4 - December 2009

Flexible regression model selection for survival probabilities: with application to AIDS

A. Gregory DiRienzo

A Bayesian hidden Markov model for motif discovery through joint modeling of genomic sequence and ChIP-chip data

Jonathan A. L. Gelfond, Mayetri Gupta and Joseph G. Ibrahim

Bayesian variable selection with joint modeling of categorical and survival outcomes: an application to individualizing chemotherapy treatment in advanced colorectal cancer

Wei Chen, Debashis Ghosh, Trivellore E. Raghunathan and Daniel J. Sargent

Group testing regression models with fixed and random effects

Peng Chen, Joshua M. Tebbs and Christopher R. Bilder

A frailty-model based approach to estimating the age-dependent penetrance function of candidate genes using population-based case-control study designs: An application to data on BRCA1 gene

Lu Chen, Li Hsu and Kathleen Malone

A robust genome-wide scan statistic of the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium

Jungnam Joo, Minjung Kwak, Kwangmi Ahn and Gang Zheng

A robust test for two-stage design in genome-wide association studies

Minjung Kwak, Jungnam Joo and Gang Zheng

A Bayesian latent variable mixture model for longitudinal fetal growth

James C. Slaughter, Amy H. Herring and John M. Thorp

Assessing vaccine effects in repeated low-dose challenge experiments

Michael G. Hudgens and Peter B. Gilbert

Modeling inter-subject variability in fMRI activation location: A Bayesian hierarchical spatial model

Lei Xu, Timothy D. Johnson, Thomas E. Nichols and Derek E. Nee

Predictive model assessment for count data

Claudia Czado, Tilmann Gneiting and Leonhard Held

Bayesian partitioning for modelling and mapping spatial case-control data

Deborah A. Costain

Regression on quantile residual life

Jong-Hyeon Jeong, Sin-Ho Jung and Hanna Bandos

A latent model to detect multiple clusters of varying sizes

Minge Xie, Qiankun Sun and Joseph Naus

Estimated pseudo-partial-likelihood method for correlated failure time data with auxiliary covariates

Yanyan Liu, Haibo Zhou and Jianwen Cai

Testing Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and homogeneity of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium using complex survey data

Yan Li and Barry I. Graubard

Shrinkage-based diagonal discriminant analysis and its applications in high-dimensional data

Herbert Pang, Tiejun Tong and Hongyu Zhao

Stochastic approximation boosting for incomplete data problems

Joseph Sexton and Petter Laake

Nonparametric modeling of longitudinal covariance structure in functional mapping of quantitative trait loci

John Stephen Yap, Jianqing Fan and Rongling Wu

Modeling data with excess zeros and measurement error: application to evaluating relationships between episodically consumed foods and health outcomes

Victor Kipnis, Douglas Midthune, Dennis W. Buckman, Kevin W. Dodd, Patricia M. Guenther, Susan M. Krebs-Smith, Amy F. Subar, Janet A. Tooze, Raymond J. Carroll and Laurence S. Freedman

Bayesian models for multiple outcomes nested in domains

Sally W. Thurston, David Ruppert and Philip W. Davidson

An exact control-versus-treatment comparison test based on ranked set samples

Omer Ozturk and N. Balakrishnan

A latent class model with hidden Markov dependence for array CGH data

Stacia M. DeSantis, E. Andres Houseman, Brent A. Coull, David N. Louis, Gayatry Mohapatra and Rebecca A. Betensky

Vol. 66, No. 1 - March 2010

Bayesian inference in semiparametric mixed models for longitudinal data

Yisheng Li, Xihong Lin and Peter Mueller

Analyzing incomplete data subject to a threshold using empirical likelihood methods: An application to a pneumonia risk study in an ICU setting

Jihnhee Yu, Albert Vexler and Lili Tian

Bayesian nonparametric modeling for comparison of single-neuron firing intensities

Athanasios Kottas and Sam Behseta

Adjustment for missingness using auxiliary information in semiparametric regression

Donglin Zeng and Qingxia Chen

Association models for clustered data with binary and continuous responses

Lanjia Lin, Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, Stuart R. Lipsitz and Debajyoti Sinha

Functional generalized linear models with images as predictors

Philip T. Reiss and R. Todd Ogden

Score test for conditional independence between longitudinal outcome and time-to-event given the classes in the joint latent class model

Helene Jacqmin-Gadda, Cecile Proust-Lima, Jeremy M. G. Taylor and Daniel Commenges

A partially linear tree-based regression model for multivariate outcomes

Kai Yu, William Wheeler, Qizhai Li, Andrew W. Bergen, Neil Caporaso, Nilanjan Chatterjee and Jinbo Chen

Determination of sample sizes for demonstrating efficacy of radiation countermeasures

Ralph L. Kodell, Shelly Y. Lensing, Reid D. Landes, K. Sree Kumar and Martin Hauer-Jensen

Structural nested mean models for assessing time-varying effect moderation

Daniel Almirall, Thomas Ten Have and Susan A. Murphy

Variable selection for semiparametric mixed models in longitudinal studies

Xiao Ni, Daowen Zhang and Hao Helen Zhang

Improving power for testing genetic association in case-control studies by reducing the alternative space

Jungnam Joo, Minjung Kwak and Gang Zheng

Estimating HIV incidence based on combined prevalence testing

Raji Balasubramanian and Stephen W. Lagakos

Improved logrank-type tests for survival data using adaptive weights

Song Yang and Ross Prentice

Bayesian calibration of a stochastic kinetic computer model using multiple data sources

D. A. Henderson, R. J. Boys and D. J. Wilkinson

Semiparametric models of time-dependent predictive values of prognostic biomarkers

Yingyu Zheng, Tianxi Cai, Janet L. Stanford and Ziding Feng

Semiparametric regression in size-biased sampling

Ying Qing Chen

Joint modeling for cognitive trajectory and risk of dementia in the presence of death

Binbing Yu and Pulak Ghosh

False discovery rate estimation for frequentist pharmacovigilance signal detection methods

I. Ahmed, C. Dalmasso, F. Haramburu, F. Thiessard, P. Broet and P. Tubert-Bitter

The analysis of biodiversity using rank abundance distributions

Scott D. Foster and Piers K. Dunstan

Impact of population substructure on trend tests for genetic case-control association studies

Gang Zheng, Zhaohai Li, Mitchell H. Gail and Joseph L. Gastwirth

A model-based approach for making ecological inference from distance sampling data

Devin S. Johnson, Jeffrey L. Laake and Jay M. Ver Hoef

Bayesian quantile regression for longitudinal studies with nonignorable missing data

Ying Yuan and Guosheng Yin

Evaluation of DNA mixtures from database search

Yuk-Ka Chung, Yue-Qing Hu and Wing K. Fung

Estimating disease prevalence using relatives of case and control probands

Kristin N. Javaras, Nan M. Laird, James I. Hudson and Brian D. Ripley

Multiple-imputation-based residuals and diagnostic plots for joint models of longitudinal and survival outcomes

Dimitris Rizopoulos, Geert Verbeke and Geert Molenberghs

Variable selection in the Cox regression model with covariates missing at random

Ramon I. Garcia, Joseph G. Ibrahim and Hongtu Zhu

Vol. 66, No. 2 - June 2010

Bayesian semi-parametric multiple shrinkage

Richard F. MacLehose and David B. Dunson

A Bayesian semi-parametric survival model with longitudinal markers

Song Zhang, Peter Mueller and Kim-Anh Do

Cox regression in nested case-control studies with auxiliary covariates

Mengling Liu, Wenbin Lu and Chi-hong Tseng

Using the optimal robust receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for predictive genetic tests

Qing Lu, Nancy Obuchowski, Sungho Won, Xiaofeng Zhu and Robert C. Elston

Design and inference for cancer biomarker study with an outcome and auxiliary-dependent subsampling

Xiaofei Wang and Haibo Zhou

Saddlepoint approximations to the moments of multitype age-dependent branching processes, with applications

O. Hyrien, R. Chen, M. Mayer-Proschel and M. Noble

A generalized estimator of the attributable benefit of an optimal treatment regime

Jason Brinkley, Anastasios Tsiatis and Kevin J. Anstrom

A Bayesian hierarchical model for classification with selection of functional predictors

Hongxiao Zhu, Marina Vannucci and Dennis D. Cox

Order restricted semiparametric inference for the power bias model

Ori Davidov, Konstantinos Fokianos and George Iliopoulos

Linear mixed model selection for false discovery rate control in microarray data analysis

Cumhur Yusuf Demirkale, Dan Nettleton and Tapabrata Maiti

Statistical methods for analyzing right-censored length-biased data under Cox model

Jing Qin and Yu Shen

Capture-recapture estimation using finite mixtures of arbitrary dimension

Richard Arnold, Yu Hayakawa and Paul Yip

A global sensitivity test for evaluating statistical hypotheses with non-identifiable models

D. Todem, J. Fine and L. Peng

Hierarchical and joint site-edge methods for medicare hospice service region boundary analysis

Haijun Ma, Bradley P. Carlin and Sudipto Banerjee

Controlling false discoveries in multidimensional directional decisions with applications to gene expression data on ordered categories

Wenge Guo, Sanat K. Sarkar and Shyamal D. Peddada

Forecasting pollen concentration by a two-step functional model

Mariano J. Valderrama, Francisco A. Ocana, Ana M. Aguilera and Francisco M. Ocana-Peinado

Regression calibration in semiparametric accelerated failure time models

Menggang Yu and Bin Nan

Incorporating predictor network in penalized regression with application to microarray data

Wei Pan, Benhuai Xie and Xiaotong Shen

Risk-group-specific dose finding based on an average toxicity score

B. Nebiyou Bekele, Yisheng Li and Yuan Ji

Statistical metrics for quality assessment of high density tiling array data

Hui Tang and Terry M. Therneau

On distance-based permutation tests for between-group comparisons

Philip T. Reiss, M. Henry, H. Stevens, Zarrar Shehzad, Eva Petkova and Michael P. Milham

Semiparametric Bayes multiple testing: applications to tumor data

Lianming Wang and David B. Dunson

Utility-based optimization of combination therapy using ordinal toxicity and efficacy in phase I/II trials

Nadine Houede, Peter F. Thall, Hoang Nguyen, Xavier Paoletti and Andrew Kramar

A Bayesian approach to surrogacy assessment using principal stratification in clinical trial

Yun Li, Jeremy M.G. Taylor and Michael R. Elliott

Partial likelihood analysis of spatio-temporal point process data

Peter J. Diggle, Irene Kaimi and Rosa Abellana

Joint inference on HIV viral dynamics and immune suppression in presence of measurement errors

Lang Wu, Wei Liu and X. Joan Hu

Joint spatial modeling of recurrent infection and growth with processes under intermittent observation

F. S. Nathoo

Semiparametric Bayesian analysis of nutritional epidemiology data in the presence of measurement error

Samiran Sinha, Bani K. Mallick, Victor Kipnis and Raymond J. Carroll

Longitudinal studies of binary response data following case-control and stratified case-control sampling: design and analysis

Jonathan S. Schildcrout and Paul J. Rathouz

Vol. 66, No. 3 - September 2010

A score test for association of a longitudinal marker and an event with missing data

Dianne Finkelstein, Rui Wang, Linda H. Ficociello and David A. Schoenfeld

Dynamic model for multivariate markers of fecundability

Bo Cai, David B. Dunson and Joseph B. Stanford

A semiparametric missing-data-induced intensity method for missing covariate data in individually matched case-control studies

Mulugeta Gebregziabher and Bryan Langholz

Spatial cluster detection for weighted outcomes using cumulative geographic residuals

Andrea J. Cook, Yi Li, David Arterburn and Ram C. Tiwari

Segmentation and estimation for SNP microarrays: a Bayesian multiple change point approach

Yu Chuan Tai, Mark N. Kvalef and John S. Witte

Estimating haplotype effects for survival data

Thomas H. Scheike, Torben Martinussen and Jeremy Silver

On efficiency of constrained longitudinal data analysis versus longitudinal analysis of covariance

Kaifeng Lu

Modeling complex phenotypes: generalized linear models using spectrogram predictors of animal communication signals

Scott H. Holan, Christopher K. Wikle, Laura E. Sullivan-Beckers and Reginald B. Cocroft

Estimating treatment effects of longitudinal designs using regression models on propensity scores

Aristide C. Achy-Brou, Constantine E. Frangakis and Michael Griswold

A generalized concordance correlation coefficient based on the variance components generalized linear mixed models for over-dispersed count data

Josep L. Carrasco

Utilising Gaussian Markov Random Field properties of Bayesian animal models

Ingelin Steinsland and Henrik Jensen

Detecting genomic aberrations using products in a multiscale analysis

Xuesong Yu, Timothy W. Randolph, Hua Tang and Li Hsu

Statistical analysis of illness death processes and semi-competing risks data

Jinfeng Xu, John D. Kalbfleisch and Beechoo Tai

Bayesian analysis of growth curves using mixed models defined by stochastic differential equations

Sophie Donnet, Jean-Louis Foulley and Adeline Samson

Markov and semi-Markov switching linear mixed models used to identify forest tree growth components

Florence Chaubert-Pereira, Yann Guedon, Christian Lavergne and Catherine Trottier

Association tests for a censored quantitative trait and candidate genes in structured populations with multilevel genetic relatedness

Meijuan Li, Cavan Reilly and Tim Hanson

Model-based quality assessment and base-calling for second-generation sequencing data

Hector Corrada Bravo and Rafael A. Irizarry

Modeling the spatial and temporal dependence in fMRI data

Gordana Derado, F. DuBois Bowman and Clinton D. Kilts

Case-control studies of gene-environment interaction: Bayesian design and analysis

Bhramar Mukherjee, Jaeil Ahn, Stephen B. Gruber, Malay Ghosh and Nilanjan Chatterjee

Design and analysis of crossover trials for absorbing binary endpoints

Martha Nason and Dean Follmann

Assessing toxicities in a clinical trial: Bayesian inference for ordinal data nested within categories

L. G. Leon-Novelo, X. Zhou, B. Nebiyou Bekele and P. Mueller

Estimation of plant demographic parameters from stage-structured censuses

Olivier David, Aurelie Garnier, Catherine Laredo and Jane Lecomte

Open capture-recapture models with heterogeneity: II. Jolly-Seber model

Shirley Pledger, Kenneth H. Pollock and James L. Norris

Heterogeneity in DNA multiple alignments: modeling, inference, and applications in motif finding

Gong Chen and Qing Zhou

Propensity score matching in randomized clinical trials

Zhenzhen Xu and John D. Kalbfleisch

Non-ignorable models for intermittently missing categorical longitudinal responses

Roula Tsonaka, Dimitris Rizopoulos, Geert Verbeke and Emmanuel Lesaffre

Rejoinder to "On estimating the relationship between longitudinal measurements and time-to-event data using a simple two-stage procedure"

Wen Ye, Jeremy M. G. Taylor and Xihong Lin

Vol. 66, No. 4 - December 2010

Design and analysis of multiple events case-control studies

Wenguang Sun, Marshall M. Joffe, Jinbo Chen and Steven M. Brunelli

Sequential analysis of longitudinal data in a prospective nested case-control study

Eunsik Park and Yuan-chin I. Chang

Small sample estimation of species richness applied to forest communities

Wen-Han Hwang and Tsung-Jen Shen

A unified approach to multi-item reliability

Ariel Alonso, Annouschka Laenen, Geert Molenberghs, Helena Geys and Tony Vangeneugden

Sample size considerations for GEE analyses of three-level cluster randomized trials

Steven Teerenstra, Bing Lu, John Preisser, Theo van Achterberg and George F. Borm

Spatial modelling of air pollution in studies of its short-term health effects

Duncan Lee and Gavin Shaddick

Simplified Bayesian sensitivity analysis for mismeasured and unobserved confounders

P. Gustafson, L. C. McCandless, A. R. Levy and S. Richardson

Model for heterogeneous random networks using continuous latent variables and an application to a tree-fungus network

Jean-Jacques Daudin, Laurent Pierre and Corinne Vacher

Bayesian modeling of ChIP-chip data through a high-order Ising model

Qianxing Mo and Faming Liang

Statistical identifiability and the surrogate endpoint problem, with application to vaccine trials

Julian Wolfson and Peter Gilbert

Correction for covariate measurement error in nonparametric longitudinal regression

D. Rummel, T. Augustin and H. Kuchenhoff

Robust clustering using exponential power mixtures

Jian Zhang and Faming Liang

Continuous covariates in mark-recapture-recovery analysis: A comparison of methods

Simon J. Bonner, Byron J. T. Morgan and Ruth King

Joint variable selection for fixed and random effects in linear mixed-effects models

Howard D. Bondell, Arun Krishna and Sujit K. Ghosh

Biclustering via sparse singular value decomposition

Mihee Lee, Haipeng Shen, Jianhua Z. Huang and J. S. Marron

Bias-corrected diagonal discriminant rules for high-dimensional classification

Song Huang, Tiejun Tong and Hongyu Zhao

Multivariate association and dimension reduction: a generalization of canonical correlation analysis

Ross Iaci, T. N. Sriram and Xiangrong Yin

A model for adjusting for non-ignorable verification bias in estimation of ROC curve and its area with likelihood-based approach

Danping Liu and Xiao-Hua Zhou

Bayesian estimation of the time-varying sensitivity of a diagnostic test with application to mother-to-child transmission of HIV

Elizabeth R. Brown

Testing a primary and a secondary endpoint in a group sequential design

Ajit Tamhane, Cyrus Mehta and Lingyun Liu

A Bayesian approach to dose-response assessment and synergy and its application to in vitro dose-response studies

Violeta G. Hennessey, Gary L. Rosner, Robert C. Bast, Jr. and Min-Yu Chen

Inverse probability of censoring weighted estimates of Kendall's tau for gap time analyses

Lajmi Lakhal-Chaieb, Richard J. Cook and Xihong Lin

Multiple imputation approaches for the analysis of dichotomized responses in longitudinal studies with missing data

Kaifeng Lu, Liqiu Jiang and Anastasios A. Tsiatis

Multiple McNemar tests

Peter H. Westfall, James F. Troendle and Gene Pennello

Vol. 67, No. 1 - March 2011

Estimation of parameters for macroparasite population evolution using approximate Bayesian computation

C. C. Drovandi and A. N. Pettitt

A space-time scan statistic for detecting emerging outbreaks

Toshiro Tango, Kunihiko Takahashi and Kazuaki Kohriyama

A hierarchical Bayesian model for spatial prediction of multivariate non-Gaussian random fields

Pierrette Chagneau, Frederic Mortier, Nicolas Picard and Jean-Noel Bacro

Marginal models for clustered time to event data with competing risks using pseudovalues

Brent R. Logan, Mei-Jie Zhang and John P. Klein

Learning oncogenic pathways from binary genomic instability data

Pei Wang, Dennis L. Chao and Li Hsu

Joint modeling of the clinical progression and of the biomarkers dynamics using a mechanistic model

Jeremie Guedj, Rodolphe Thiebaut and Daniel Commenges

Cause-specific cumulative incidence estimation and the Fine and Gray model under both left truncation and right censoring

Ronald B. Geskus

Multi-state mark-recapture model selection using score tests

Rachel S. McCrea and Byron J. T. Morgan

Maximum likelihood estimation of long term HIV dynamic models and antiviral response

Marc Lavielle, Adeline Samson, Ana Karina Fermin and France Mentre

Survival analysis with error-prone time-varying covariates: a risk set calibration approach

Xiaomei Liao, David M. Zucker, Yi Li and Donna Spiegelman

Estimating the occupancy rate of spatially rare or hard to detect species: a conditional approach

Jerome A. Dupuis, Florent Bled and Jean Joachim

A Bayesian approach to joint mixed-effects models with a skew-normal distribution and measurement errors in covariates

Yangxin Huang and Getachew Dagne

Prediction of random effects in linear and generalized linear models under model misspecification

Charles E. McCulloch and John M. Neuhaus

Bent line quantile regression with application to an allometric study of land mammals' speed and mass

Chenxi Li, Ying Wei, Rick Chappell and Xuming He

Simultaneous inference and bias analysis for longitudinal data with covariate measurement error and missing responses

Grace Y. Yi, Wei Liu, and Lang Wu

Regularized sandwich estimators for analysis of high dimensional data using generalized estimating equations

David I. Warton

A Bayesian two-part latent class model for longitudinal medical expenditure data: Assessing the impact of mental health and substance abuse parity

Brian Neelon, A. James O'Malley, Sharon-Lise T. Normand

PICS: Probabilistic inference for ChIP-seq

Xuekui Zhang, Gordon Robertson, Martin Krzywinski, Kaida Ning, Arnaud Droit, Steven Jones and Raphael Gottardo

Testing for homogeneity in meta-analysis I. The one parameter case: Standardized mean difference

Elena Kulinskaya, Michael B. Dollinger and Kirsten Bjorkestol

k-FWER control without p-value adjustment, with application to detection of genetic determinants of multiple sclerosis in Italian twins

L. Finos and A. Farcomeni

Proportional hazards regression for the analysis of clustered survival data from case-cohort studies

Hui Zhang, Douglas E. Schaubel and John D. Kalbfleisch

Statistical inference for a two-stage outcome-dependent sampling design with a continuous outcome

Haibo Zhou, Rui Song, Yuanshan Wu and Jing Qin

Bayesian hierarchical modeling and selection of differentially expressed genes for the EST data

Fang Yu, Ming-Hui Chen, Lynn Kuo, Peng Huang and Wanling Yang

Multilevel latent class models with Dirichlet mixing distribution

Chongzhi Di and Karen Bandeen-Roche

Double inverse-weighted estimation of cumulative treatment effects under non-proportional hazards and dependent censoring

Douglas E. Schaubel and Guanghui Wei

Estimation and inference for the causal effect of receiving treatment on a multinomial outcome: An alternative approach

Stuart G. Baker

Vol. 67, No. 2 - June 2011

Missing exposure data in stereotype regression model: Application to matched case-control study with disease subclassification

Jaeil Ahn, Bhramar Mukherjee, Stephen B. Gruber and Samiran Sinha

Asymptotic conditional singular value decomposition for high-dimensional genomic data

Jeffrey T. Leek

Estimating subject-specific dependent competing risk profile with censored event time observations

Yi Li, Lu Tian and L. J. Wei

Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of pharmacophores in bioinformatics

Kanti V. Mardia, Vysaul B. Nyirongo, Christopher J. Fallaize, Stuart Barber and Richard M. Jackson

Identification of differential aberrations in multiple-sample array CGH studies

Huixia Judy Wang and Jianhua Hu

Semiparametric transformation models with time-varying coefficients for recurrent and terminal events

Xingqiu Zhao, Jie Zhou and Liuquan Sun

A robust alternative to the Schemper-Henderson estimator of prediction error

Matthias Schmid, Thomas Hielscher, Thomas Augustin and Olaf Gefeller

A random intercepts - functional slopes model for flexible assessment of susceptibility in longitudinal designs

Brent A. Coull

Robust prediction of t-year survival with data from multiple studies

Tianxi Cai, Thomas Gerds, Yingye Zheng and Jinbo Chen

Models for estimating abundance from repeated counts of an open metapopulation

D. Dail and L. Madsen

Fixed and random effects selection in mixed effects models

Joseph G. Ibrahim, Hongtu Zhu, Ramon I. Garcia and Ruixin Guo

High-dimensional variable selection in meta analysis for censored data

Fei Liu, David Dunson and Fei Zou

Spatially dependent polya tree modeling for survival data

Luping Zhao and Timothy E. Hanson

Hierarchical modeling for estimating relative risks of rare genetic variants: Properties of the pseudo-likelihood method

Marinela Capanu and Colin B. Begg

Frailty based competing risks model for multivariate survival data

Malka Gorfine and Li Hsu

Dependence calibration in conditional copulas: A nonparametric approach

Elif F. Acar, Radu V. Craiu and Fang Yao

A note on Type II error under random effects misspecification in generalized linear mixed models

John M. Neuhaus, Charles E. McCulloch and Ross Boylan

Rejoinder to A note on Type II error under random effects misspecification in generalized linear mixed models

Saskia Litiere, Ariel Alonso and Geert Molenberghs

Improved doubly robust estimation when data are monotonely coarsened, with application to longitudinal studies with dropout

Anastasios A. Tsiatis, Marie Davidian and Weihua Cao

Mixed-effects state space models for analysis of longitudinal dynamic systems

Dacheng Liu, Tao Lu, Xu-Feng Niu and Hulin Wu

Robust estimation of area under ROC curve using auxiliary variables in the presence of missing biomarker values

Qi Long, Xiaoxi Zhang and Brent A. Johnson

Power and sample size estimation for the clustered Wilcoxon test

Bernard Rosner and Robert J. Glynn

Bayesian nonparametric regression analysis of data with random effects covariates from longitudinal measurements

Duchwan Ryu, Erning Li and Bani K. Mallick

Sufficient dimension reduction for censored regressions

Wenbin Lu and Lexin Li

Estimating the null distribution to adjust observed confidence levels for genome-scale screening

David R. Bickel

Geoadditive latent variable modelling of count data on multiple sexual partnering in Nigeria

Samson B. Adebayo, Ludwig Fahrmeir, Christian Seiler and Christian Heumann

Competing risks regression for stratified data

Bingqing Zhou, Aurelien Latouche, Vanderson Rocha and Jason Fine

Vol. 67, No. 3 - September 2011

Joint regression analysis for discrete longitudinal data

L. Madsen and Y. Fang

Regression analysis for recurrent events data under dependent censoring

Jin-Jian Hsieh, A. Adam Ding and Weijing Wang

Assessing the sensitivity of meta-analysis to selection bias: a multiple imputation approach

James Carpenter, Gerta Rucker and Guido Schwarzer

Semiparametric methods in the proportional odds model for ordinal response data with missing covariates

Shen-Ming Lee, Mei-Jih Gee and Shu-Hui Hsieh

A partial linear model in the outcome dependent sampling setting to evaluate the effect of prenatal PCB exposure on cognitive function in children

Haibo Zhou, Guoyou Qin and Matthew P. Longnecker

Bayesian variable selection for latent class models

Joyee Ghosh, Amy H. Herring and Anna Maria Siega-Riz

Estimating differences in restricted mean lifetime using observational data subject to dependent censoring

Min Zhang and Douglas E. Schaubel

A beta mixture model for assessing genetic population structure

Rongwei Fu, Dipak K. Dey and Kent E. Holsinger

Sensitivity analyses comparing time-to-event outcomes only existing in a subset selected postrandomization and relaxing monotonicity

Bryan E. Shepherd, Peter B. Gilbert and Charles T. Dupont

Bias corrected variance estimation and hypothesis testing for spatial point and marked point processes using subsampling

Yongtao Guan

Response-adaptive regression for longitudinal data

Shuang Wu and Hans-Georg Mueller

Network-based auto-probit modeling for protein function prediction

Xiaoyu Jiang, David Gold and Eric D. Kolaczyk

Control of population stratification by correlation-selected principal components

Seunggeun Lee, Fred A. Wright and Fei Zou

Quantile regression for left-truncated semi-competing risks data

Ruosha Li and Limin Peng

Two criteria for evaluating risk prediction models

Ruth M. Pfeiffer and Mitchell H. Gail

A penalized spline approach to functional mixed effects model analysis

Huaihou Chen and Yuanjia Wang

Augmenting superpopulation, capture-recapture models with population assignment data

Zhi Wen, Kenneth Pollock, James Nichols and Peter Waser

Semiparametric Bayes proportional odds models for current status data with under-reporting

Lianming Wang and David B. Dunson

Exploring spatial and temporal variations of cadmium concentrations in Pacific oysters from British Columbia

Cindy Xin Feng, Jiguo Cao and Leah Bendell

A new u-statistic with superior design sensitivity in matched observational studies

Paul R. Rosenbaum

Multiple imputation for missing values through conditional semiparametric odds ratio models

Hua Yun Chen, Hui Xie and Yi Qian

Semiparametric estimation of the covariate-specific ROC curve in presence of ignorable verification bias

Danping Liu and Xiao-Hua Zhou

Filtered kriging for spatial data with heterogeneous measurement error variances

William F. Christensen

Hierarchical commensurate and power prior models for adaptive incorporation of historical information in clinical trials

Brian P. Hobbs, Bradley P. Carlin, Sumithra J. Mandrekar and Daniel J. Sargent

A note on MAR, identifying restrictions, model comparison, and sensitivity analysis in pattern mixture models with and without covariates for incomplete data

Chenguang Wang and Michael Daniels

Multilevel empirical Bayes modeling for improved estimation of toxicant formulations to suppress parasitic sea lamprey in the upper Great Lakes

Laura A. Hatfield, Steve Gutreuter, Michael A. Boogaard and Bradley P. Carlin

Informative cluster sizes for sub-cluster level covariates and weighted generalized estimating equations

Y. Huang and B. Leroux

Accounting for data errors discovered from an audit in multiple linear regression

Bryan E. Shepherd and Chang Yu

Minimize the use of minimization with unequal allocation

Michael Proschan, Erica Brittain and Lisa Kammerman

Dynamic predictions and prospective accuracy in joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data

Dimitris Rizopoulos

Generalized causal mediation analysis

Jeffrey M. Albert and Suchitra Nelson

Matrix-based concordance correlation coefficient for repeated measures

Sasiprapa Hiriote and Vernon M. Chinchilli

Flexible nonhomogeneous Markov models for panel observed data

Andrew C. Titman

Second-order analysis of semiparametric recurrent event processes

Yongtao Guan

Variance estimation for statistics computed from single recurrent event processes

Yongtao Guan, Jun Yan and Rajita Sinha

Vol. 67, No. 4 - December 2011

A hot-deck multiple imputation procedure for gaps in longitudinal recurrent event histories

Chia-Ning Wang, Roderick Little, Bin Nan and Sioban D. Harlow

Continual reassessment method for partial ordering

Nolan A. Wages, Mark R. Conaway and John O'Quigley

A multi-step protein lysate array quantification method and its statistical properties

Ji-Yeon Yang and Xuming He

Buckley-James-type estimator with right-censored and length-biased data

Jing Ning, Jing Qin and Yu Shen

A moment adjusted imputation method for measurement error models

Laine Thomas, Leonard Stefanski and Marie Davidian

Dynamic linear model for the identification of miRNAs in next-generation sequencing data

W. Evan Johnson, Noah C. Welker and Brenda L. Bass

Wilks' Lambda dissimilarity measures for gene clustering: an approach based on the identification of transcription modules

Alberto Roverato and F. Marta L. Di Lascio

Reinforcement learning strategies for clinical trials in non-small cell lung cancer

Yufan Zhao, Donglin Zeng, Mark A. Socinski and Michael R. Kosorok

Nonparametric tests for homogeneity of species assemblages: A data depth approach

Jun Li, Jifei Ban and Louis S. Santiago

Likelihood ratio testing for admixture models with application to genetic linkage analysis

Chong-Zhi Di and Kung-Yee Liang

Inference for the effect of treatment on survival probability in randomized trials with noncompliance and administrative censoring

Hui Nie, Jing Cheng and Dylan S. Small

Penalized Gaussian process regression and classification for high-dimensional nonlinear data

G. Yi, J. Q. Shi and T. Choi

Robust estimation for ordinary differential equation models

J. Cao, L. Wang and J. Xu

Testing for interaction in two-way random and mixed effects models: The fully nonparametric approach

Trent Gaugler and Michael G. Akritas

Optimizing the concentration and bolus of a drug delivered by continuous infusion

Peter F. Thall, Aniko Szabo, Hoang Q. Nguyen, Catherine M. Amlie-Lefond and Osama O. Zaidat

Combining disease models to test for gene-environment interaction in nuclear families

Thomas J. Hoffmann, Stijn Vansteelandt, Christoph Lange, Edwin K. Silverman, Dawn L. DeMeo and Nan M. Laird

A Bayesian model averaging approach for estimating the relative risk of mortality associated with heat waves in 105 U.S. cities

Jennifer F. Bobb, Francesca Dominici and Roger D. Peng

Smoothing spline ANOVA frailty model for recurrent event data

Pang Du, Yihua Jiang and Yuedong Wang

Linear and non-linear mixed-effects models for censored HIV viral loads using normal/independent distributions

Victor H. Lachos, Dipankar Bandyopadhyay and Dipak K. Dey

Extraction of food consumption systems by non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) for the assessment of food choices

Melanie Zetlaoui, Max Feinberg, Philippe Verger and Stephan Clemencon

Insights on the robust variance estimator under recurrent-events model

Hussein R. Al-Khalidi, Yili Hong, Thomas R. Fleming and Terry M. Therneau

Additive mixed effect model for clustered failure time data

Jianwen Cai and Donglin Zeng

Stochastic functional data analysis: A diffusion model-based approach

Bin Zhu, Peter X.-K. Song and Jeremy M. G. Taylor

Differential measurement errors in zero-truncated regression models for count data

Yih-Huei Huang, Wen-Han Hwang and Fei-Yin Chen

Estimating species richness from quadrat sampling data: a general approach

Jerome Dupuis and Michel Goulard

Heterogeneous capture-recapture models with covariates: A partial likelihood approach for closed populations

Jakub Stoklosa, Wen-Han Hwang, Sheng-Hai Wu and Richard Huggins

Multiple imputation methods for multivariate one-sided tests with missing data

Tao Wang and Lang Wu

Smoothing population size estimates for time-stratified mark-recapture experiments using Bayesian P-splines

Simon J. Bonner and Carl J. Schwarz

Graphical procedures for evaluating overall and subject-specific incremental values from new predictors with censored event time data

Hajime Uno, T. Cai, L. Tian and L. J. Wei

A general probabilistic model for group independent component analysis and its estimation methods

Ying Guo

Comparing biomarkers as principal surrogate endpoints

Y. Huang and P. B. Gilbert

BM-Map: Bayesian mapping of multireads for next-generation sequencing data

Yuan Ji, Yanxun Xu, Qiong Zhang, Kam-Wah Tsui, Yuan Yuan, Clift Norris, Shoudan Liang and Han Liang

Explained variation in a fully specified model for data-grouped survival data

C. B. Pipper, C. Ritz and T. H. Scheike

Bayesian modeling for genetic anticipation in presence of mutational heterogeneity: A case-study in Lynch Syndrome

Philip S. Boonstra, Bhramar Mukherjee, Jeremy M. G. Taylor, Mef Nilbert, Victor M. Moreno and Stephen B. Gruber

A shrinkage approach for estimating a treatment effect using intermediate biomarker data in clinical trials

Yun Li, Jeremy M. G. Taylor and Roderick J. A. Little

Split-plot designs for robotic serial dilution assays

Jeffrey S. Buzas, Carrie G. Wager and David M. Lansky

Estimating effect sizes of differentially expressed genes for power and sample size assessments in microarray experiments

Shigeyuki Matsui and Hisashi Noma

A new criterion for confounder selection

Tyler J. VanderWeele and Ilya Shpitser

Dose-response curve estimation: A semiparametric mixture approach

Ying Yuan and Guosheng Yin

Vol. 68, No. 1 - March 2012

Predictive cross-validation for the choice of linear mixed-effects models with application to data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study

Julia Braun, Leonhard Held and Bruno Ledergerber

A powerful and robust test statistic for randomization inference in group-randomized trials with matched pairs of groups

Kai Zhang, Mikhail Traskin and Dylan S. Small

Bayesian enrichment strategies for randomized discontinuation trials

Lorenzo Trippa, Gary L. Rosner and Peter Mueller

A Bayesian model for estimating population means using a link-tracing sampling design

Katherine St. Clair and Daniel O'Connell

Augmented cross-sectional studies with abbreviated follow-up for estimating HIV incidence

Brian Claggett, Stephen W. Lagakos and Rui Wang

Meta-analysis for surrogacy: accelerated failure time models and semi-competing risks modelling

Debashis Ghosh, Jeremy M. G. Taylor and Daniel J. Sargent

Modeling adverse birth outcomes via confirmatory factor quantile regression

Lane F. Burgette and Jerome P. Reiter

A broad symmetry criterion for nonparametric validity of parametrically-based tests in randomized trials

Russell T. Shinohara, Constantine E. Frangakis and Constantine G. Lyketsos

Informative Dorfman screening

Christopher S. McMahan, Joshua M. Tebbs and Christopher R. Bilder

Dynamic logistic regression and dynamic model averaging for binary classification

Tyler H. McCormick, Adrian E. Raftery, David Madigan and Randall S. Burd

Predicting treatment effect from surrogate endpoints and historical trials: an extrapolation involving probabilities of a binary outcome or survival to a specific time

Stuart G. Baker, Daniel J. Sargent, Marc Buyse and Tomasz Burzykowski

A composite likelihood approach to latent multivariate Gaussian modeling of SNP data with application to genetic association testing

Fang Han and Wei Pan

Multiple loci mapping via model-free variable selection

Wei Sun and Lexin Li

Inverse Batschelet distributions for circular data

M. C. Jones and Arthur Pewsey

A statistical framework for eQTL mapping using RNA-seq data

Wei Sun

Isotonized CDF estimation from judgment post-stratification data with empty strata

Xinlei Wang, Ke Wang and Johan Lim

G-estimation and artificial censoring: problems, challenges, and applications

Marshall M. Joffe, Wei Peter Yang and Harold Feldman

Efficient algorithms for optimal designs with correlated observations in pharmacokinetics and dose finding studies

Tim Holland-Letz, Holger Dette and Didier Renard

Combining multiple imputation and inverse-probability weighting

Shaun Seaman, Ian White, Andrew Copas and Leah Li

Quantile regression for doubly censored data

Shuang Ji, Limin Peng, Yu Cheng and HuiChuan Lai

Goodness-of-fit diagnostics for Bayesian hierarchical models

Ying Yuan and Valen E. Johnson

Pooling designs for outcomes under a Gaussian random effects model

Yaakov Malinovsky, Paul S. Albert and Enrique F. Schisterman

Vol. 68, No. 2 - June 2012

Modeling functional data with spatially heterogeneous shape characteristics

Ana-Maria Staicu, Ciprian M. Crainiceanu, Daniel S. Reich and David Ruppert

Evaluating prognostic accuracy of biomarkers under competing risk

Yingye Zheng, Tianxi Cai, Yuying Jin and Ziding Feng

Group testing for case identification with correlated responses

Samuel D. Lendle, Michael G. Hudgens and Bahjat F. Qaqish

Computationally efficient marginal models for clustered recurrent event data

Dandan Liu, Douglas E. Schaubel and John D. Kalbfleisch

A Latent variable approach to study of gene-environment interactions in the presence of multiple correlated exposures

Brisa N. Sanchez, Shan Kang and Bhramar Mukherjee

Penalized generalized estimating equations for high-dimensional longitudinal data analysis

Lan Wang, Jianhui Zhou and Annie Qu

Bayesian meta-experimental design: evaluating cardiovascular risk in new antidiabetic therapies to treat Type 2 diabetes

Joseph G. Ibrahim, Ming-Hui Chen, H. Amy Xia and Thomas Liu

Logistic Bayesian LASSO for identifying association with rare haplotypes and application to age-related macular degeneration

Swati Biswas and Shili Lin

Simple estimation and test procedures in capture-mark-recapture mixed models

Jean-Dominique Lebreton, Remi Choquet and Olivier Gimenez

Evaluating correlation based metric for surrogate marker qualification within a causal correlation framework

Yue Wang, Robin Mogg and Jared Lunceford

A space-time conditional intensity model for invasive meningococcal disease occurrence

Sebastian Meyer, Johannes Elias and Michael Hohle

Population intervention causal effects based on stochastic interventions

Ivan Diaz Munoz and Mark van der Laan

A Bayesian semiparametric approach for incorporating longitudinal information on exposure history for inference in case-control studies

Dhiman Bhadra, Michael J. Daniels, Sungduk Kim, Malay Ghosh and Bhramar Mukherjee

A framework for the joint modeling of longitudinal diagnostic outcome data and latent infection status: application to investigating the temporal relationship between infection and disease

G. Jones, W. O. Johnson, W. D. Vink and N. French

An empirical Bayesian approach for identifying differential co-expression in high-throughput experiments

John A. Dawson and Christina Kendziorski

Abundance estimation of long-diving animals using line transect methods

Hiroshi Okamura, Shingo Minamikawa, Hans Julius Skaug and Toshiya Kishiro

Hazard ratio estimation for biomarker-calibrated dietary exposures

Pamela A. Shaw and Ross L. Prentice

Optimal matching with minimal deviation from fine balance in a study of obesity and surgical outcomes

Dan Yan, Dylan Small, Jeffrey H. Silber and Paul R. Rosenbaum

Model selection for Cox models with time-varying coefficients

Jun Yan and Jian Huang

Borrowing strength with non-exchangeable priors over subpopulations

L. G. Leon-Novelo, B. Nebiyou Bekele, P. Mueller, F. Quintana and K. Wathen

When do latent class models overstate accuracy for diagnostic and other classifiers in the absence of a gold standard?

Bruce D. Spencer

Likelihood approach for detecting imprinting and in utero maternal effects using general pedigrees from prospective family-based association studies

Jingyuan Yang and Shili Lin

Empirical likelihood for cumulative hazard ratio estimation with covariate adjustment

Bin Dong and David E. Matthews

Spatially balanced sampling through the Pivotal method

Anton Grafstrom, Niklas L. P. Lundstrom and Lina Schelin

An omnibus consistent adaptive percentile modified Wilcoxon rank sum test with applications in gene expression studies

Olivier Thas, Lieven Clement, John C. W. Rayner, Beatriz Carvalho and Wim Van Criekinge

Bayesian Lasso for semiparametric structural equation models

Ruixin Guo, Hongtu Zhu, Sy-Miin Chow and Joseph G. Ibrahim

Numerical discretization-based estimation methods for ordinary differential equation models via penalized spline smoothing with applications in biomedical research

Hulin Wu, Hongqi Xue and Arun Kumar

Choice of prognostic estimators in joint models by estimating differences of expected conditional Kullback-Leibler risks

Daniel Commenges, Benoit Liquet and Cecile Proust-Lima

Estimating absolute and relative case fatality ratios from infectious disease surveillance data

Nicholas G. Reich, Justin Lessler, Derek A. T. Cummings and Ron Brookmeyer

A joint mixed effects dispersion model for menstrual cycle length and time-to-pregnancy

Alexander McLain, Kirsten J. Lum and Rajeshwari Sundaram

Vol. 68, No. 3 - September 2012

Discretized and aggregated: Modeling dive depth of harbor seals from ordered categorical data with temporal autocorrelation

Megan D. Higgs and Jay M. Ver Hoef

Two-component mixture cure rate model with spline estimated nonparametric components

Lu Wang, Pang Du and Hua Liang

Chain binomial models and binomial autoregressive processes

Christian H. Weib and Philip K. Pollett

Causal inference on quantiles with an obstetric application

Zhiwei Zhang, Zhen Chen, James F. Troendle and Jun Zhang

Rapid testing of SNPs and gene-environment interactions in case-parent trio data based on exact analytic parameter estimation

Holger Schwender, Margaret A. Taub, Terri H. Beaty, Mary L. Marazita and Ingo Ruczinski

Multilevel functional clustering analysis

Nicoleta Serban and Huijing Jiang

Assessing the impact of a movement network on the spatio-temporal spread of infectious diseases

Birgit Schrodle, Leonhard Held and Havard Rue

Bayesian semiparametric nonlinear mixed-effects joint models for data with skewness, missing responses, and measurement errors in covariates

Yangxin Huang and Getachew Dagne

Improving the flexibility and efficiency of phase II designs for oncology trials

Stefan Englert and Meinhard Kieser

A geostatistical approach to large-scale disease mapping with temporal misalignment

Lauren Hund, Jarvis T. Chen, Nancy Krieger and Brent Coull

Assessing treatment-selection markers using a potential outcomes framework

Ying Huang, Peter B. Gilbert and Holly Janes

Median tests for censored survival data; a contingency table approach

Shaowu Tang and Jong-Hyeon Jeong

A time series DDP for functional proteomics profiles

Luis E. Nieto-Barajas, Peter Mueller, Yuan Ji, Yiling Lu and Gordon B. Mills

Space-time data fusion under error in computer model output: an application to modeling air quality

Veronica J. Berrocal, Alan E. Gelfand and David M. Holland

Two-dimensional informative array testing

Christopher S. McMahan, Joshua M. Tebbs and Christopher R. Bilder

Analyzing multiple-probe microarray: estimation and application of gene expression indexes

Mehdi Maadooliat, Jianhua Z. Huang and Jianhua Hu

Semiparametric maximum likelihood methods for analyzing genetic and environmental effects with case-control mother-child pair data

Jinbo Chen, Dongyu Lin and Hagit Hochner

Bayesian effect estimation accounting for adjustment uncertainty

Chi Wang, Giovanni Parmigiani and Francesca Dominici